
Introducing virtual reality (VR) into medical school teaching modules teaching doctor-patient communication when breaking bad news.

Breaking bad news is an unavoidable and yet very difficult challenge for doctors in their daily clinical work. The VR-TALKS project aims to implement an innovative teaching method at medical schools to address this problem.

The VR technology will mainly be used to practice breaking bad news and the resulting interactions. VR technology is intended to enable students to evaluate and comment on reactions, suggest improvements or other approaches and describe and analyse patients’ behaviour and experiences as well as their own.

Take Part Dear teachers, course coordinators, or course developers of courses that include the topic of communication in serious illnesses for healthcare students with a good understanding of English, please fill out our survey. It only takes 10 minutes to complete: https://leidenuniv.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3E0ECL55dpAucho

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